Vetlife opens up its membership to attract more friends

2nd November 2023
Industry News

Associate membership of charity Vetlife has been opened up to non-clinical staff for the first time in its history.

The charity’s board of trustees decided to include anyone working within the veterinary sector, such as receptionists, practice managers and administrative staff.

Members, who are known as the “friends of Vetlife”, contribute to the charity through regular donations, and the proposal to widen the membership was originally proposed by an area representative in March.

Widen membership

Board members approved the update at their meeting in May, and the friends group is now opening up associate membership to anyone who works in the profession, but is not either a vet or VN registered with the RCVS.

Regular and associate members have the chance to make monthly, annual or lifetime contributions to the charity, which supports the professions with a helplinehealth support  and financial support services.

Demand for the charity’s services has soared in the past few years.

Show support

Newly appointed Vetlife president James Russell said: “Becoming a friend of Vetlife is an important way that people can show their support for our charity.

“As we have already stated, you do not need to be a friend of Vetlife to access any of our services, but by becoming a friend, you are making a meaningful contribution to us keeping those services available for our whole community.

“We are only here because of our supporters, so thank you to you all.”

Anyone wishing to become a friend, from £2.10 a month, can do so here.


Credit to:  Vetlife opens up its membership to attract more friends (Vet Times)

Vet Times. (2023).  Vetlife opens up its membership to attract more friends [online]

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