WVA launches new ‘essential’ medicines list for food-producing animals

21st March 2024
Industry News

The World Veterinary Association (WVA) has unveiled a new global essential veterinary medicines list (EVML) for food-producing animals.

The group has collaborated with the global welfare organisation Brooke on the list, which they claim is the first of its kind and will help clinicians and policy makers to make appropriate decisions for their areas.

The initiative will be formally launched at a webinar on 26 March and officials say work is already under way on further phases of the project.

‘Better choices’

Olatunji Nasir, who chairs the WVA’s pharmaceutical stewardship working group, said the list would facilitate “better choices of medicines, biologics and vaccines supply, fitting to local needs”.

He continued: “As veterinarians, we are gatekeepers of the next pandemic because of the profound roles we play in the control of zoonoses. This is a responsibility that we share with authorities and agencies in our various jurisdictions. Together, we stamp our feet in the one health pathway.”

The initial phase of the project has focused on equids, large ruminants, pigs, goats and sheep.

Work on a second stage, which will concentrate on poultry and rabbits, is already underway, while the third phase will look at aquaculture and bees.

‘Incredibly proud’

Shereene Williams, Brooke’s senior manager of global animal health, said: “We are incredibly proud to have led the development of the EVML alongside the WVA.

“This list is the product of global veterinary expertise and collaboration, and is a critical first step in ensuring all animals around the globe have access to medicines and vaccines to keep them healthy, and minimise their pain and suffering.”

The list is due to be formally unveiled at the webinar on 26 March at 1pm UK time. Places can be secured online.


Credit to:  WVA launches new ‘essential’ medicines list for food-producing animals (Vet Times)

Vet Times. (2023).  WVA launches new ‘essential’ medicines list for food-producing animals [online]

Available at:  https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/wva-launches-new-essential-medicines-list-for-food-producing-animals/