UK Pet Food to meet demand for diet and nutrition knowledge

6th February 2023
Industry News

A webinar series on pet food and nutrition is being organised to meet demand from pet care professionals for the latest information.

UK Pet Food (formerly the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association) is launching its Pet Food and Nutrition series of webinars, which will cover raw diets, obesity and legislation among other topics, following the success of similar courses held since 2019.

Running from 21 February to 2 March, UK Pet Food said the course had been designed to suit busy vet professionals with an interest in pet nutrition and pet food production, and will consist of three half-day sessions per week.

‘Recommend course’

The first week will focus on pet nutrition, with the second covering legislation and manufacturing aspects of pet food production.

Sarah Hormozi, UK Pet Food’s head of science and education, said: “We are excited to be holding our first 2023 online pet food and nutrition course, following the success of the previous four webinar series since 2020. In fact, following our last course, 100% of attendees confirmed they would recommend the course to others.

“Registration is now open to our members, in addition to all pet care professionals. We offer discounts for our members and certain groups – for example, those from pet welfare charities and students. Our aim is to make this training as accessible as possible to all those who can benefit.”


The animal nutrition (21 to 23 February) webinars include:

  • sessions dedicated to different pet species (dogs, cats, small mammals, birds and fish)
  • clinical cat and dog nutrition
  • pet obesity

The pet food legislation, marketing and manufacturing (28 February to 2 March) webinars include:

  • UK/EU legislation, animal by-products regulation, additives and feed materials
  • palatability and marketing regulations
  • manufacturing safety and quality, wet, semi-moist, raw and dry products

Speakers will include industry consultants John Lowe and Christine Huggett, as well as vets and academics Marge Chandler and Alex German. The full course will provide 20 hours of CPD, with details available at the dedicated website.


Credit to:  UK Pet Food to meet demand for diet and nutrition knowledge (Vet Times)

Vet Times. (2023).  UK Pet Food to meet demand for diet and nutrition knowledge [online]

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