Movement restrictions have been imposed after officials confirmed the first avian flu case of the present outbreak in Scotland.
The H5N1 virus strain was confirmed on premises near Kirriemuir, Angus, in an announcement released on Friday night, 10 January.
A 3km protection zone and a 10km surveillance area have now been set up around the site to prevent further spread.
‘Remain vigilant’
A separate update, issued through the APHA, added: “All bird keepers should remain vigilant and follow stringent biosecurity measures to prevent future outbreaks.”
The case, which takes the total confirmed since the latest outbreak began in November to 17, is the first to be recorded outside England.
In England, a regional avian influenza prevention zone (AIPZ), which imposes mandatory biosecurity and housing measures, remains in force across East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.
But surveillance requirements imposed on the area around one of the infected premises at Cranworth in Norfolk have now been revoked.
Protection restrictions around several other sites in both Norfolk and East Yorkshire have also been lifted, although surveillance requirements remain in place.
Credit to: Scotland confirms first avian flu case (Vet Times)
Vet Times. (2025). Scotland confirms first avian flu case [online]
Available at: https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/scotland-confirms-first-avian-flu-case/