RCVS makes Link Group donation in lieu of Christmas cards

12th January 2023
Industry News

An RCVS donation of £4,000 has been made by its president Melissa Donald in lieu of the college sending out Christmas cards.

The donation, to the Links Group, will help fund the Links Pet Fostering Subgroup, which works with Cats Protection, Dogs Trust, Endeavour, Paws Protect and Refuge4Pets to develop and promote service standards and best practice in pet fostering services for the survivors of domestic abuse.

The subgroup also allows a networking space for members to share knowledge and experience, and to gather evidence and highlight the impact the services have on survivors.

Important service
Every year, the sitting RCVS president makes a donation to a charity or charities of their choice in lieu of sending out Christmas cards to members of the profession. Dr Donald said: “Pet fostering is such an important service because, sadly, worrying about their beloved pets can act as a barrier to people leaving an abusive relationship or situation, and we know at this time of year there is also an increased demand for the service.

“If an individual knows that their pet will be well looked after by a foster family while they are seeking refuge and that they can one day be reunited, then it may help them get out of a terrible and dangerous situation.

“The subgroup, by promoting collaboration, best practice, advice and the sharing of evidence and data between pet fostering providers, will mean that domestic abuse survivors and their pets will continue to be well served now and into the future.”

Paula Boyden, chairperson of the Links Group, said: “We were thrilled to receive the RCVS president’s Christmas donation for our ongoing work supporting specialist domestic abuse pet fostering services across the UK.

“Pets are often treasured members of the family, but this bond can be particularly strong for those suffering in abusive situations, and many victim-survivors will not leave an abusive home without knowing that their beloved animals will be safe, too.

“Pet fostering provides this lifeline – a way to know that your pets will be cared for, for as long as is needed, until you are in a position to be able to do so again yourself.”



Credit to: RCVS makes Link Group donation in lieu of Christmas cards (Vet Times)

Vet Times. (2022). RCVS makes Link Group donation in lieu of Christmas cards [online]

Available at: https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/rcvs-makes-link-group-donation-in-lieu-of-christmas-cards/